Momentously Graced

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Grace comes moment by moment,
Abiding until the next.
Life, a momentary comment,
By grace is momentously blessed.

L< Gloryteller

Therefore, I Must Write

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Write, write, write!
Must write, must write. 
Must write uniquely,
as uniquely commissioned,
or die an invisibly unique
and uniquely individual,
empty. . . living. . .  death.

I write, therefore, I yam.

I write, therefore, I yam, therefore, I . . .



Seeing A Scene Between The Lines — Another God Nod !

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It happened completely unexpectedly on my birthday,  while reading a major novel.
I have never experienced this particular peculiar “special effect” while reading,
so I’ve been trying to assemble the right descriptive words with which to relate it:

I was reading, and I’m still reading, a “real”, hardcover, paper-and-ink version of the classic “Atlas Shrugged”.
As I was reading along, eyes moving along at a fast clip, my attention was drawn to the space above the line which I was reading.
I noticed something materializing there.
Without slowing down or stopping, I noticed a three-dimensional scene beginning to appear above the line.
It was as though I was driving at highway speed, watching the scenic countryside “moving past” as I watched out of my side window.
It was only a second before I reached the end of the line and thought, “What in the world was that?  What’s going on now?”
(It seems I hardly ever have to wait long for
something anomalous
something amazing
something astounding
something bizarre
something “coincidental”
something “crazy”
something epiphanic
something exceptional
something extraordinary
something mysterious
something remarkable
something super-natural
something surprising
something  unconventional
something unique
something unusual
something whimsical
to occur).

So, I immediately returned to the beginning of the line and read it again, scientifically, looking for a cause for this effect, a connection, or an explanation.
There was nothing special about that particular line nor the sentence which it was a part of.
The “effect” was still there, fence posts in the foreground zipping by, green hills farther out “moving” more slowly, and the mountains and clouds on the horizon not appearing to move at all.  As I kept reading, the background scene expanded to fill all the spaces between several lines as though I were actually there at that particular time and place.  Then the scene began to fade quickly and was gone in a few short, but pregnant, seconds.
I thought:
“What a thrilling thing!”
I wondered:
“What are You trying to tell me?”

“He’s gone hallucinatory”,  you’re thinking.
Over the edge,
Imagining things,
Lost his mar……
You get the picture — I know what you’re thinking.
Yes you are!  I know it!
Well, maybe you have a point, but I don’t think so, and even if you do, God can still work with it.

You see,
It’s another instance of grace —  a most-undeserved nod from God timed perfectly,
tailored uniquely for me, a personal revelation prepared for my use in my personal testimony and my personal ministry.
It’s typical that I should get a God Nod — my term for a message from God —  while reading a book authored by a pro-abortion atheist (Ayn Rand, a very, very talented, enjoyable, and skillful writer/novelist), but what do I do with this?  How  can I use it?  What do I write?
Reveal yourself, John Galt!
Hmmm, The John Galt Line…..
It came to me…
The scenery between the lines reminds me of pieces I have written about reading the Bible as a living text.  It’s about what’s in the lines, and what’s between the lines, but it’s more than that.  It has a depth of scenery that appears to be whizzing past the moving reader, yet it is still and stationary.  The trick is, I gather, to stop, turn ninety degrees, and look past the lines, deeper into the page.  I did, and as I did, the faraway, unmoving Mountain began to draw toward me (and also get larger)  as I approached It, just as it would happen if a driver turned directly toward his/her desired objective.

“Line upon line, precept upon precept” is, to my mind, a good thing — a good way to build.  The lines are stacked in two dimensions, the precepts in three, or more!  The Word of God has layers and unfathomable depths to be explored.
Turn into it when it seems everything is whizzing past.
When you seek to move closer to Him, He will move closer to you, dear reader.
My trust in our Lord has led me into the most amazing life I could have imagined.
I wish you even more than you can imagine, and pray that you, too, will get unexpected Nods from God
as you read, write, and travel through the scenery of your life.
Bless you!
L<  Gloryteller
P.S. – I would be very interested to hear of your God Nods!
Has anything remotely similar ever happened to you?
Join the discussion, or start one.  You are appreciated!

Of Absolutes and of Truth

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He told my heart that someone is having trouble with absolutes, that someone needs to hear this.
I dedicate this exclusively to you, dear reader.


Please pardon my use of absolutes,
But the world will always abuse
Its own.
And God won’t ever fail to soothe
His own.
He makes all things work together
For our good.
Everything good comes from Him Alone!


This is the only context where absolutes are valid,
For everything is beneath His feet.
The Highest Lord is the one Trust,
The one Truth,
The absolute I AM,
And He is all yours if you only ask to be all His.


About The Music Links Below

I don't own, and have no claim on, these music videos. The following are simply links inside my website pointing back to the original locations of the videos. The names of the creators of these videos are cited wherever possible, and only "embedding-enabled" selections are used.

The Basic Christian Library

"Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. This is fundamentally what Christianity is all about.

"The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. Another converted atheist presents His compelling case for believing in Jesus.

"Left To Tell" by Imaculee Ilibagiza. This profound work is her own extraordinary story of endurance, discovery of the Holy Spirit, grace, healing, and an astonishingly compelling account of the necessity for forgiveness.

Compelling Christian Fiction Reads

"The Circle" 4-book series by Ted Dekker.
A man is the bridge between two very different worlds. Sound familiar? Can he save both? This T.D. work is brilliant in my book.

"This Present Darkness" and "Piercing the Darkness" by Frank E. Peretti. Tales of spiritual warfare from a unique perspective. Stirred a small controversy, but sold millions. What are we Christians afraid of? Hey, it's fiction!

Copyright Licensing

Creative Commons License, and all proprietary work found here, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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My Signature Story

"I AM NOT MY OWN" is the piece that inspired the building of this site. It is the story that this site, as well as my life, is centered around. This letter to you is the one i would most like for you to read out of all the ones you will find here, because it describes how profoundly the works of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit can change one human life.

For Your Reading Enjoyment, This Is Like A Park, Use It, Enjoy It, and Leave Everything Where You Found It.

The content here's not to be used,

But to only be read and perused.

If you copy it off,

My lawyer's not soft,

And your fortune is mine - you got sued!

Gloryteller :-)