An Expanding Ray of Hope

God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) (emphasis, mine)

A similar note is heard in the phrase “God imparts ‘that of  Himself’ into every human heart.”  Someone noteworthy said that, and I’d like to cite them, but I don’t remember who they are and my searches have been fruitless. Nevertheless, the truth in that phrase is confirmed by Romans 1:18-20 : 
“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,
 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.  For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Highlights mine)

God has set the spark of “eternal things” in the human heart, as well as what we refer to as “that of Himself”.  These are difficult concepts for many people, but when one remembers that we are created in His image and likeness they become easier. Does not the master artist leave “that of himself” in every created masterpiece?  Every brush stroke, every splash of color, every bit of texture, every unique nuance and technique of composition can be recognized as being “of” that master. It speaks of who he is, what he’s done, his qualities, and his nature. Our Creator has left His “prints” on our inmost being and His signature on our souls. Let us not foolishly cover them over or suppress their truths by our rebellious selfishness. That can only leave an empty place – a profoundly aching void.

~  ~  ~

Far from here, there are two other empty places. In a different sense they are not far, but close. Follow the dots on a map that designate the route (the way) to the empty cross where Jesus suffered horribly, or pick up the Bible beside you – the cross is right there close by. That cruel post and beam, being long empty of Jesus, was also the place of His profound emptiness on the darkest day.  Can you imagine being completely alone in tremendous pain in the dark with no hope of rescue? Your loved ones – even those who’ve not turned their backs on you – can do nothing, and the one person you’ve always relied upon and trusted is nowhere to be found.  You’re mocked, and abandoned and betrayed and forgotten. Empty. Like no one before nor since has been or ever will be . . .

Soon after,  the cross itself would be emptied of His lifelessness, to stand alone, a timeless symbol of the selfless act of love, without which, we Christians would  be empty of life. But there’s more. Follow the path from the cross to the place where our Saviour Lord was entombed. It’s not far, but it is a dark and lonely walk on the darkest day, for the Beloved is dead. All hope is lost. What was it He told us? In our desolation, we’ve forgotten . . .

But the tomb’s seal is broken. The burdensome stone is rolled to the side. His body is not inside. The empty clothing says He Is Risen in concert with the angel’s  “He is not here”! In shock, we jump back as the whispering of ten thousand wings of light radiate out the door from a point inside, spreading in an expanding cone like that of a megaphone or the bell of a horn. It’s the beginning of a small hope being amplified and multiplied. (He told us we would see Him in Galilee)

There is a symbol in mathematics meaning “greater than”:


That is what the expanding hope of the empty tomb looks like. The hope of Jesus resurrected and alive is indeed greater, more than, and far better than anything that has happened so far. That hope is still flaring out, having been proclaimed first by the eyewitnesses – the men and women who first saw – and thereafter by the people who heard from them directly by their spoken and written words.

I am but one small voice in the vast cone of the ray of expanding hope of the living Jesus. I ask you to join in if you’re not here already. For as many as received Him and believed in Him, He gave them the right to become the children of God!

                     ~  ~  ~

The cross  and the tomb are empty.  Like the open tomb,  the sacred inner temple of the Kingdom of Heaven also stands open, its thick barrier curtain torn apart because of Jesus’ loving sacrifice.  The three Persons of the Trinity invite us inside. God has left the invitation on your heart and in your soul. It is an eternal one. It comes from “That of Himself”! Please let us not ignore that wonderful invitation, or set it aside. It is clear as the light of day and we are without excuse.

Happy Resurrection Sunday, dear reader!
Be filled with the Expanding Hope of Christ Jesus,
For, He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
With love,
Your Gloryteller


Our Mighty Personal God

If I said to you. “God is a personal God,” what would you think? How would you picture God as being your “personal” God?
The common explanation is that God can be thought of, regarded, and responded to, as a personage (although, in this case, the highest Personage there is) with whom one can interact like a fellow human rather than an impersonal abstraction. This explanation certainly seems feasible since the second person in the holy Trinity, Jesus, was (and is) fully human (and fully God).
Exploring further, I was thinking about how we humans interact with one another. We talk together and discuss things. We do things together. We celebrate, grieve, rejoice, encourage, give gifts, serve, work, and simply be together. There is presence – we are present with one another, just as God is present with us as we do all the above things. He is not only present, but He desires to interact and participate with individuals as they navigate through life.

personal-of, relating to, or based on, the existence or presence of a person.
Why would the all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-present Creator of everything want a close relationship with an ordinary human? Because He is our creator, and He loves us intensely. (I don’t fully understand why, but He has made that fact quite clear)  Before time began He drew our blueprint. He worked out all our details with loving intention and fine-tuned our design. He is the Cause, we are the effect!

Genesis 1:27 – God created mankind in His own image – male and female.
Psalm 139: 13-14 -For you created my inmost being*;  you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.
Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm you, for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Isaiah 41:10 -So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
Acts 17:27 – . . . that they should seek God and perhaps feel their way toward Him and find Him. Yet He is not far from each one of us.
Matthew 1:23  – Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel which means “God with us”.
Hebrews 13:5 – . . . and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

personalbelonging to, or affecting a particular person.
We belong to the Father (not as possessions, per se, but as family members, and as His people)

Psalm 100:3 – Know that the Lord is God! It is He who made us, and we are His . . .
Ephesians 1:5 – In love, He predestined us for adoption to Himself as heirs through Jesus Christ . . .
Ephesians 1: 11 – In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things . . .
Matthew 18:14 – In the same way your Father in heaven does not want to lose any of these little ones.
1 John 4:19 –  We love Him because He first loved us.
John 4:15 – If you love me, you will keep my commandments. (Jesus)

personal-concerning one’s private life or relationships, rather than public life. (We also have a less personal, but no less important, public life with Him)
There is a private and confidential aspect. He desires an intimate (close) interaction, association, and affiliation that need not be confided to anyone else.
You know what God has saved you from – the life He took you out of – the things you have been forgiven – the things He has intentionally forgotten and removed as far as the East is from the West.
You may choose to tell others about those things, but it’s not at all mandatory. There are things that can remain between you and God, not that they are secrets, as such, but things you confess to Him when repentance occurs.

personal– done face-to-face in person with no others involved. (This is similar to the above ideas)
I’m not an expert on personal relationships, but I’ve observed that the good and meaningful ones have some things in common, like effective communication, trust, showing appreciation, expressing gratitude, showing empathy and compassion, forgiving, and most of all, employing love, which binds all those things together.
1 Thessalonians 5:16 – Rejoice always, pray continually (be in constant communication), give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 6:18 – And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
John 4:4 – Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
James 4:12 – There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy.
2 Corinthians 5:10 – For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
Matthew 25:23 – “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

God is indeed our personal God, in His personal presence with us; in that, we personally belong to Him; in our personal private life with Him; in our face-to-face personal interactions with Him, and in other profound ways I haven’t thought of at the moment. Personally, I hope you think about it and find some other ways for yourself.

My personal best regards, dear reader. May you enjoy an increasingly wonderful personal relationship with our Mighty Personal God.

*All Scriptural italicizations and emphases are mine.


Happy New Year!

Jesus says in Revelation, “Behold, I’m making all things new.”  ALL THINGS! This morning and every morning I feel new. I awake from a different world – one of dreams, or simply of unconscious nothingness. Taking up consciousness is a transition to something I consider “better”. I feel new and renewed and thankful to be so.
I’m among many people I know who at one time during their lives were made new. We were reborn into new life as believers in Jesus Christ. Transformed. Given new purpose and new hope. Treated to the Joy of Knowing the Lord. Knowing He is always present and I am no longer alone – ever. Knowing He will never leave nor forget about me. Knowing His immense love for me will always be.
The writer of Ecclesiastes said there is nothing new under the sun and all in the world is meaningless. It’s true! Without God, everything is indeed without meaning! I know because I can compare both states of existence. The before and after.
Many people ask if Jesus is “real”. Did He, does He, really exist? It’s mostly rhetorical, for they doubt He did; they are certain in their heads that He doesn’t, or if He ever did He was no more than a teacher of morality and ethics. They mockingly reduce Him to a historical figure or a fairy-tale image, not knowing what they do to themselves slandering our very Lord and Savior, miraculous healer under the Father, Emmanuel – God on earth with us, Who sacrificed Himself on purpose to pay for our sins and give us the chance to be right with God. The One resurrected to life and raised into Heaven to intercede for us and is doing so for me even as I write this.
More and more people are really wanting to know. Does He exist? Is He real? Not mockingly but with a glimmer of hope. Perhaps something about Christmas sparks curiosity. Perhaps they see something in us. Perhaps something about our lives prompts them to say “I want what they have!” To their sincere questions, I respond:
Is Jesus real? Yes! He meets all the requirements of existence. He is reality itself!  In all ways Jesus is the only thing that was, is, and ever will be “real”- “real” being Truth – true reality.  He spoke truth, He cannot lie, when He said “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (Way-The Means by which a thing can happen; Truth-the One and Only Reality; Life-the Essence of Being, the Epitome of Existence, the complete transcendence over death) Then He says, “No one comes to the Father except through me.”
I believe Him! What would it take for you to believe Him if you don’t already? You can’t know Him until you experience Him, and you can do that if you simply surrender, seek him through Bible reading or through talking with believers, attend a church where you can learn of Him through Bible study and worship, and especially talk to Him in prayer. He’s waiting. He’s listening. His greatest joy would be to hear from you. What a joyful thing it is when belief and faith take root and you begin to experience His presence in your life. I’m praying for your happy new year, but most of all I’m praying right this moment for your happy new life!


Christmas Eve 2020 – The Hunger

Like when I wrote this three years ago,
another Christmas Eve has arrived in which we can partake.
So rejoice in it! Partake of it!
Rejoice in and partake of our Savior, Jesus Christ! 

The last few hours of The Advent of Christ are before us.
We can wait no longer and we don’t need to.
Our hunger for hope, peace, joy, and love, is hard to bear;
We prepare the meal we will eat tonight after church.
We know we will be hungry for that food too,
but I want my hunger for Jesus to be foremost!

We can stay awake watching long into the night,
or go to sleep and let Him be born in peace.
Either is fine, for in the morning we will have the certainty
of Jesus’ birth!

The birth that shook the earth!

About 2021 years ago, everything was in place
to bring the astounding event into reality for humanity.
God’s gracious, merciful plan was about to
take a new turn and reach a new level.

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
And the Word became human.

And the Word was named Jesus,
He was born in a stable,
wrapped in cloth, and placed in a manger to sleep . . .

Placed in a manger . . .
Have you ever thought about that?
A manger is a type of feed trough for animals.
Here on the farm we call that a “feeder”.

It occurs to me that Jesus, lying in that feeder,
among all the other deep meaning and symbolism,

seems to have made Himself a symbol
for our spiritual nourishment!
Both a symbol and a reality all at once!

Is it any wonder that He told Peter, “Feed my sheep”?
Is it any wonder that He called Himself

“The Bread of Life”, or spoke over some bread, saying
This is my body“?
He wants us to partake of Himself!
To drink deeply of Him in a spiritual manner!
“The Bread of Life”, and “The Water of Life”!

He, lying in that feeder, was already telling us,
“I AM your nourishment, your sustenance,
your very life’s provision;

Come to Me and be filled”!

~ ~ ~

Happy Christmas Eve!
Your Gloryteller



Good Friday? Good Sunday! Resurrection Sunday!

    As time goes by, reading this well-worn post bothers me more and more. I don’t like talking about pain, torture, death, sacrifice, and heartache, but I need to face the truth. There is raw truth in what follows:

Today is Good Friday. This is the day of remembrance of how our Lord Jesus suffered the agony of torture and death for our great benefit. I can justify that name only with some mental gymnastics . . .
Like the criminal on His right, I believe some part of me hung there and died with Him that day – the darkest part that needed to be put to death – in order that I might be saved into eternal life and be with Him always. Like He spoke to that wretched, miserable, condemned and dying man, He still speaks to me, to us all, today through His Word, with labored breath, gasping one painful word at a time as if we are face to face –

“I   Forgive  You” “You  Shall  Be  With  Me  . . .” 

   When I stood accused of selfish sins and crimes that I knew I was guilty of, He, in effect, said to me as He stood there (weak, trembling, and covered with blood)  (and tears try to form as I say it) :

“Don’t worry, you’re “good”. Get behind Me. I love you too much to let this happen to you. I’ve got this.”

   I can’t help but feel His torture and death were my fault in a sense.  (My brothers and sisters argue that they share the blame, which may be true, but I maintain that, in a sense, I’m the most at fault)  He went ahead and saved me anyway. He went to the cross in my place. All He asked is that I repent (turn away from sin and toward Him) and that I believe in Him and proclaim Him as my risen Lord and Savior – so He forgave me that fault –  “It’s forgotten,”  He says, graciously.

What kind of Love? . . . I can scarcely fathom.
As the song says, “Love has a name,
And it is JESUS!”

   So, I don’t know about the “Good” part of Good Friday. I’m ambivalent, unsure.
It is also called Black Friday and Holy Friday, either of which I can relate to, especially “Holy Friday”,  but hardly Good Friday? Except that good resulted from it.
And, one can’t have a resurrection without a death, especially THE Resurrection following THE Death,
both of which rocked the foundations of the world, as did His birth. Everything about Him did!

   If anything should be called “Good”, it is Resurrection Day. What happened that day is the most radically important event ever in history (His Story) – “Good Sunday” if you will – the joyous day that I (we) returned to life and lived through Him, and had Life real and true because of Him, and through His return to life, His defeat of death, we were shown the true meaning of Love.

Resurrection, to me, is like “rebirth” – the return of life into something that was dead.

   I once again turn to Keith and Kristyn Getty, and Stuart Townend,  to express with music and images what cannot be expressed with words alone. I pray that every heart that hears and sees this will be broken, transformed, and renewed at the foot of that one horrible, and glorious, cross . . .

Thank you victoryinjesus123 for uploading this beautiful video.

Oh, and one more thing – the power of the cross is only the beginning.
The power of His victory over death lies at the doorstep outside the joyously-open doorway of His empty tomb! Let us each tread that step, leave our tombs, and embrace new life the way He showed us!

That hardly seems enough to say,
Yet it is heartfelt.
Father, I pray you help us LIVE those three words.



On Using Secular Christmas Traditions To Lead People to Jesus


Here’s a repeat piece that I didn’t get posted before Christmas:

“What do you think about the false deification of Santa Clause?” asked somebody.
“Sure, I’d be glad to weigh in on the Santa controversy,” I replied . . .

It has been said, ad nauseum, that secular traditions such as Christmas trees, Santa Clause, and even the word “Christmas” should be condemned and abolished by Christians because they distract and detract from the true meaning of Christ’s birth.
I disagree.
Those many traditions are so ingrained into society that they cannot now be reversed nor abolished even if we wanted to, which most of us don’t. They can, however, be used in a positive manner to point to God’s glory. I’ve previously discussed how the Christmas tree points to Jesus Christ. It is easy for me to tell, as well, how Saint Nicholas‘ (the real-life man behind the legend of Santa Claus) life and existence points to the life and teachings of Jesus.

I only implore you, dear reader, not to foster the mistruths about Santa Clause, or Father Christmas, but tell the factual truth about those figures. Fact is, they are legends and fantasies based on a good man’s acts, but they must not be passed down as reality. The generous acts, themselves, are the Christlike reality.

It’s the same for the gift-giving, the lights, the colors, the tree, the decorating, and the joyous celebrating. One can ignore any or all of it, or one can use those traditions of secular Christmastime as reminders of Jesus’ birth, life, instructive words, and miraculous deeds. I strive for that as I constantly try to keep Him at the forefront of the celebration.

I believe that we should not only accept, as a fact of life, the secular traditions – the things that have been distorted and perverted away from the original intent of honoring the Christ-child, but turn them back upon themselves to their original purpose which is to celebrate His birth, to point to Him, to highlight Him, and to glorify Him in the unfettered, hopeful, optimistic, rejoicing manner in which the host of angels announced His arrival to the shepherds, and to us.

We can’t do away with Santa, and I don’t want to do that anyway. We can, however present him in a different light – the light that shines when he extends a gift to a child who has none, or the glow when he calls to a little one to come sit on his knee, or the beacon that shines when he tells the story of Jesus’ birth to a group of awestruck children, or when he silently prays for a sick or needy child and their family, or the radiant streaming rays that illuminate the scene when he kneels to worship beside the manger which contains his Savior Lord swaddled in humble cloth. All those actions mimic or respect Christ, The Light of the World, as Santa, the legend, mimics the real man, Nicholas, who was a somewhat Christlike child of God, himself!

We have so many commonly seen secular symbols that can be used to point to Jesus at Christmastime:

 Common decorative wreaths, for example, can be found on doors, in windows, or inside many secular homes, even on city light posts, but the circles of evergreen boughs symbolize eternal life and the never-ending love of God. The non-believers don’t even know that! We believers even elevate the wreath to worship status. The five candles of the Advent wreath are lit in order bring to mind hope, peace, joy, love, and the purity of Christ, the Light of the World who was sent for us. It also encircles the promise that He will return to us, not in humility this time, but in His full power and glory!

The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light;
those who lived in a land of deep darkness —
on them light has shined. Isaiah 9: 2-7

The Advent wreath is loaded with symbolism to “get the ball rolling” early in December before the really secular traditions begin.

The ever-present Christmas tree itself is a real or a reasonable facsimile of an evergreen tree, which also symbolizes eternal life. It points to Heaven, and, in my world, all the lights, ornaments, and decorations on the tree represent all believers in Jesus. The lights remind me that The Light of the World has come and we wait for Him to come again.

The presents under the tree are reminders of the original Christmas gift – the gift of Jesus sent to us by Father God, and His presence with us – and the wrappings, His swaddling cloths. Everyone who is able participates in the giving of gifts. Some gifts are frivolous and some needful. Gift giving is a reminder of how Father God sent us, the very needy, a huge gift of forgiveness, grace,mercy, hope, and love delivered through His Son. And we all, believers and non-believers, must receive any and all gifts with gracefulness and gratefulness. The gift of The Savior Child, our Light of the World, is given to every one of us Earthlings, but that gift must be received, and willingly accepted before it can be unwrapped and enjoyed.

The star at the top of the tree points to Christ and leads people to Him. It reminds us of the nativity story because of its important role therein. If there is an angel instead of a star, it evokes memories of the very powerful presence of angels involving Zechariah, Mary, and Joseph. Even more astonishing was their appearance to the shepherds just after Jesus’ birth – not just one, but a whole host of them!

 Those traditions and others I’ve not thought of can be used to help us illuminate Jesus in a darkened world. I believe proclaiming Him is our commission, our duty, and our pleasure, as believers and as beneficiaries of The Father’s miraculously generous, humble, and humbling gift.

We are still living in a land of deep darkness, thousands of years after Isaiah’s God-given words. Billions of people are walking in darkness today, but many have seen the great Light. It is given to them to shine the Light of the World upon the land of deep darkness and all those walking in it.


Whatever you do,
Whatever you think,
Seek Him in all things
And have yourself a happy,
Have yourself a joyous,
Have yourself the merriest Christmas!

Above all,
Remember Who is glorious,

Give Him all your glory,
Keep it Christmas-Story-ous!






Why I Call It “Christbirth”!

~  ~  ~

 I’m not thrilled about the word Christmas.
I’m not crazy about the word Easter either.
But I very much love the events those two words represent.

Words are only symbols that we use to convey,
or identify, things, events, or ideas. Often, the words
we devise (or, in this case, that are devised for us) are
less than ideal, or appropriate, or even accurately descriptive
in representing the actual thing being described.

I believe that “Christmas” is such a word.
I’ll leave it to you, dear reader, to delve into the origins,
meanings, and protests concerning the word “Christmas”.
I have been through it, and it’s not pretty.
Some say it’s downright blasphemy, wickedness, and sin to use it.

and, Be That As It May,
the event that has come to be known to us as “Christmas”
is the event that shook the earth.
It is the truth of the event that is important,
not necessarily the word we have adopted to describe it.
To my way of thinking, the birth of Jesus was, and is,
the most momentous occurrence in history.
It is to be celebrated – its story told and retold in truth
to the ends of the earth.
So ( Blast semantics!) I do say both “Merry Christmas”
as well as “Happy Christbirth”,
and I do say “Happy Easter”
 althoughHappy Resurrection Sunday” is much more descriptive,
because I know I will be understood by the general public
when I use the common language,

and also by Christians, in general.
And by any of those greetings, I mean
Celebrate enthusiastically!
For, unto us a child is born!
Our Savior lives!
He has come to live with us!

– And –
In the Spring, I mean

 He is risen!
Our Savior lives!
And in His glory He will come down again!

So, here’s the thing – here’s my point:
Instead of the term “Christmas”,
I prefer the much more descriptive word,

(which I think I have invented, haha,) 
(but someone may have beaten me to it, I really don’t know)
to represent this wondrous, marvelous event,
but, no matter what word we use in reference,
at Jesus’ birth, the very Word of God came to live among us,
with us, and, in time, in us, so that we,
despite our inclination to sin,
might have the right to be “born” into a new world –
a world of saving grace, faith, hope, and of love,
into God’s presence;
born and reborn in a new, a wondrous,
 a marvelous, and a miraculous way,
Just as Jesus was, before us!

Happy Christbirth!
Merry Christmas!

Your Gloryteller



He. Came. Down.


He Came Down


He came down.
Mary said YES,
then He came down.
Born like us.
Born with us.
Born for us.
Born to us.
Born unto us.
Born into us.

He came down from His Glory,
Leaving Holy Home and Father,
to become a creation, in a real sense, just like us . . . 

To be born most humbly into the broken,
reeking mess that we, mankind, had made of the world.

To be born into the shameful, smelly mess that
I had made of my own wretched heart . . . 

The holy, defenseless egg of God,
having scarcely a shell.
A tender shoot,
a tiny lamb,
he came down naked,
to be born covered
with another’s blood,
mother’s blood.
Born to be pierced,
and poured out,
and to ‘cover’ all
others with His
pure, holy blood.
He came down
with only Love as a defense.
Double-sided love.
He came down to the dung heap,
the lowest, the basest of places,
a place of no honor; of ignobility,
because that’s where we were,
I and my neighbors,
hiding under the
layers of earthly dirt.
He could have said
“No, not again”.
He could have said
“To hell with this” . . .
He didn’t have to
rise from His manger
to knock on my
heart’s door.
To come in and clean it all,
just like new,
Every room, from ceiling to floor,
window, to wall,
and spend His life,
His all, for me,
to bear away my sin.
Yet, He would be
the first to admit,
if He weren’t so humble,
that He did have to do it.
Someone had to
do something.
But no-one could,
except Himself.
I didn’t deserve
His coming down, this
Wonderful Counselor,
this Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
This Immanuel.
Savior Lord.
But, He came down,
out of love,
bearing light,
carrying forgiveness,
sowing grace like seeds,
ready with a cool drink,
gentle hands to wash our feet,
with tears of compassion,
where sin and mercy meet,
and I’m so glad,
so happy,
so joyously thankful
that He did,
that my meager glory goes up.
I send it up.
I glorify His name,
Who was born into many names,
and into ONE name,
and that name is
He came down,
and now He reigns
King of My Heart.

Glory to God in the Highest Heaven!


The Happiest Christbirth to you, today!
LS< Your Gloryteller


Hope Came Down

Unten Hoffnung Kam

He came down so that we could live – really live – with Him
and our loved-ones in Heaven.
Forever together.
We need that hope more with each passing day . . .

The theme of hope continues with this song:

Thank you, Kari Jobe for singing, and Bob Marshall for the upload.

Merry Christmas from

 Frohe Weihnachten von



A Christmas Who’s Who

We must remember this,
Amidst the noise and fuss,
JESUS is the subject of Christmas,
And the object of Christmas is US.


Merry Christmas from!


He. Came. Down.


He Came Down


He came down.
Mary said YES,
then He came down.
Born like us.
Born with us.
Born for us.
Born to us.
Born unto us.
Born into us.
He came down from His Glory,
Leaving Holy Home and Father, to become a creation, in a real sense, just like us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To be born most humbly into the broken, reeking mess that we, mankind, had made of the world.
To be born into the shameful, smelly mess that I had made of my own wretched heart . . . . . . . . . . .
The defenseless egg of God,
having scarcely a shell.
A tender shoot,
a tiny lamb,
he came down naked,
to be born covered
with another’s blood,
mother’s blood.
Born to be pierced,
and poured out,
and to ‘cover’ all
others with His
pure, holy blood.
He came down
with only Love as a defense.
Double-sided love.
He came down to the dung heap,
the lowest, the basest of places,
a place of no honor; of ignobility,
because that’s where I was,
I and my neighbors,
hiding under the
layers of earthly dirt.
He could have said
“No, not again”.
He could have said
“To hell with this” . . .
He didn’t have to
rise from His manger
to knock on my
heart’s door.
To clean it all,
just like new,
from ceiling to floor,
window, to wall,
and spend His life,
His all, for me,
to bear away my sin.
Yet, He would be
the first to admit,
if He weren’t so humble,
that He did have to.
Someone had to
do something.
But no-one could,
except Himself.
I didn’t deserve
His coming down, this
Wonderful Counselor,
this Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
This Immanuel.
Savior Lord.
But, He came down,
out of love,
bearing light,
carrying forgiveness,
sowing grace like seeds,
ready with a cool drink,
gentle hands to wash our feet,
with tears of compassion,
where sin and mercy meet,
and I’m so glad,
so happy,
so joyously thankful
that He did,
that my meager glory goes up.
I send it up.
I glorify His name,
Who was born into many names,
and into ONE name,
and that name is
He came down,
and now He reigns
King of My Heart.

Glory to God in the Highest Heaven!


The Happiest Christbirth to you, today!
LS< Your Gloryteller


On Using Secular Christmas Traditions To Glorify Not Mislead



“What do you think about the lie of Santa Clause?” asked somebody.
“Sure, I’d be glad to weigh in on the Santa controversy,” I replied . . .

It has been said, ad nauseum, that secular traditions such as Christmas trees, Santa Clause, and even the word “Christmas” should be condemned by Christians because they distract and detract from the true meaning of Christ’s birth.
I disagree.
Those many traditions are so ingrained into society that they cannot be reversed nor abolished. They can, however, be used in a positive manner. I’ve previously discussed how the Christmas tree points to Jesus Christ. It is easy for me to tell, as well, how Santa’s (“Saint Nicholas‘ “) life and existence points, to the life and teachings of Jesus.
I only implore you, dear reader, not to foster the lies about Santa Clause, St. Nicholas, or Father Christmas, but tell the factual truth about those figures. Fact is, they are legends and fantasies based on a good man’s acts, but they must not be passed down as reality. The generous acts are the Christlike reality.
It’s the same for the gift-giving, the lights, and the joyous celebrating. One can ignore any or all of it, or one can use those traditions of secular Christmastime as reminders of Jesus’ birth, life, words and deeds. I strive for that as I constantly try to keep Him at the forefront of the celebration.
I believe that we should not only accept, as a fact of life, the secular traditions; the things that have been distorted and perverted away from the original intent of honoring the Christ-child, but turn them back upon themselves to their true purpose which is to celebrate His birth, to point to Him, to highlight Him, and to glorify Him in the unfettered, hopeful, optimistic, rejoicing manner in which the host of angels announced His arrival to the shepherds, and to us.
Those traditions can be used to help us illuminate Him in a darkened world. I believe this proclaiming is our commission, our duty, and our pleasure, as believers and as beneficiaries of The Father’s miraculously humble, and humbling gift.
The gift of The Savior Child, our Light of the World, is given to every one of us, but that gift must be received and willingly accepted before it can be unwrapped and enjoyed.


Whatever you do,
Whatever you think,
Seek Him in all things
And have yourself a happy,
Have yourself a joyous,
Have yourself the merriest Christmas!

Above all,
Remember Who is glorious,

Give Him all your glory,
Keep it Christmas-Story-ous!






Why I Call It “Christbirth”!

~  ~  ~

 I’m not thrilled about the word Christmas.
I’m not crazy about the word Easter either.
But I very much love the events those two words represent.

Words are only symbols that we use to convey,
or identify, things, events, or ideas. Often, the words
we devise (or, in this case, that are devised for us) are
less than ideal, or appropriate, or even accurately descriptive
in representing the actual thing being described.

I believe that “Christmas” is such a word.
I’ll leave it to you, dear reader, to delve into the origins,
meanings, and protests concerning the word “Christmas”.
I have been through it, and it’s not pretty.
Some say it’s downright blasphemy, wickedness, and sin to use it.

and, Be That As It May,
the event that has come to be known to us as “Christmas”
is the event that shook the earth.
It is the truth of the event that is important,
not necessarily the word we have adopted to describe it.
To my way of thinking, the birth of Jesus was, and is,
the most momentous occurrence in history.
It is to be celebrated – its story told and retold in truth
to the ends of the earth.
So ( Blast semantics!) I do say Merry Christmas,
and I do say Happy Easter, instead of
Happy Resurrection Sunday,
because I know I will be understood by the general public,
and also by Christians, in general.
And by those greetings, I mean
Celebrate enthusiastically!
For, unto us a child is born!
Our Savior lives!
He has come to live with us!
– Or
 He is risen!
Our Savior lives!
And in His glory He will come down again!

So, here’s the thing – here’s my point:
Instead of the term “Christmas”, I prefer the word
(which I think I have invented, haha,) 
(but someone may have beaten me to it, I really don’t know)
to represent this wondrous, marvelous event,
but, no matter what word we use in reference,
in Jesus’ birth, the very Word of God came to live among us,
with us, and, in time, in us, so that we,
despite our inclination to sin,
might have the right to be “born” into a new world –
a world of saving grace, faith, hope, and of love,
into God’s presence;
born in a new, a wondrous,
 a marvelous, and a miraculous way,
Just as Jesus was, before us!

Happy Christbirth!
Merry Christmas!

Your Gloryteller




He. Came. Down.


He Came Down


He came down.
Mary said YES,
then He came down.
Born like us.
Born with us.
Born for us.
Born to us.
Born unto us.
Born into us.
He came down from His Glory,
Leaving Holy Home and Father, to become a creation, in a real sense, just like us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To be born most humbly into the broken, reeking mess that we, mankind, had made of the world.
To be born into the shameful, smelly mess that I had made of my own wretched heart . . . . . . . . . . .
The defenseless egg of God,
having scarcely a shell.
A tender shoot,
a tiny lamb,
he came down naked,
to be born covered
with another’s blood,
mother’s blood.
Born to be pierced,
and poured out,
and to ‘cover’ all
others with His
pure, holy blood.
He came down
with only Love as a defense.
Double-sided love.
He came down to the dung heap,
the lowest, the basest of places,
a place of no honor; of ignobility,
because that’s where I was,
I and my neighbors,
hiding under the
layers of earthly dirt.
He could have said
“No, not again”.
He could have said
“To hell with this” . . .
He didn’t have to
rise from His manger
to knock on my
heart’s door.
To clean it all,
just like new,
from ceiling to floor,
window, to wall,
and spend His life,
His all, for me,
to bear away my sin.
Yet, He would be
the first to admit,
if He weren’t so humble,
that He did have to.
Someone had to
do something.
But no-one could,
except Himself.
I didn’t deserve
His coming down, this
Wonderful Counselor,
this Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
This Immanuel.
Savior Lord.
But, He came down,
out of love,
bearing light,
carrying forgiveness,
sowing grace like seeds,
ready with a cool drink,
gentle hands to wash our feet,
with tears of compassion,
where sin and mercy meet,
and I’m so glad,
so happy,
so joyously thankful
that He did,
that my meager glory goes up.
I send it up.
I glorify His name,
Who was born into many names,
and into ONE name,
and that name is
He came down,
and now He reigns
King of My Heart.

Glory to God in the Highest Heaven!


The Happiest Christbirth to you, today!
LS< Your Gloryteller


Hope Came Down

Unten Hoffnung Kam

He came down so that we could live – really live – with Him
and our loved-ones in Heaven.
Forever together.
We need that hope more with each passing day . . .

~ ~ ~

This is the last day of the first week of Advent 2018.
The theme of hope continues with this song:

Thank you, Kari Jobe and Bob Marshall for the upload.

Merry Christmas from

 Frohe Weihnachten von



A Christmas Who’s Who

We must remember this,
Amidst the noise and fuss,
JESUS is the subject of Christmas,
And the object of Christmas is US.


Merry Christmas from!


He. Came. Down.


He Came Down

* * *
* *

He came down.
Mary said YES,
Then He came down.
Born like us.
Born with us.
Born for us.
Born to us.
Born unto us.
Born into us.
He came down from His Glory,
Leaving Holy Home and Father, to become a creation, in a real sense, just like us . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

To be born most humbly into the broken, reeking mess that we, mankind, had made of the world.

To be born into the shameful, smelly mess that I had made of my own wretched heart . . . . . . . . . . .

The defenseless egg of God,

having scarcely a shell.
A tender shoot,
a tiny lamb,
in perfect humility,

he came down naked,
to be born covered with
 another’s blood,
a mother’s sacrificial blood.
Born to be pierced,
and poured out,
and to cover all
others with His
pure, holy blood.
He came down
with only Love as a defense.
Double-sided love.
For us here below,

from Him, up above.
He came down to the dung heap,
the lowest, the basest of places,
a place of no honor;
of ignobility,

because that’s where I was,
I and my neighbors,
hiding under the
layers of dirt.
He could have said
“No, not again”.
He could have said
“To hell with this” . . .
He didn’t have to
rise from His manger
to knock on my
heart’s door.
To clean it all up,
just like new,
from ceiling to floor,
window, to wall,
and spend His life,
His all, for me,
to bear away my sin.
Yet, He would be
the first to admit,
(if He weren’t so humble),
that He did have to.
Someone had to
do something.
But no-one could
except Himself.
I didn’t deserve
His coming down, 
this Wonderful Counselor,
this Mighty God,
this Everlasting Father,
 this Prince of Peace.
This Immanuel.
Savior Lord.
But, He came down,
out of love,
bearing light,
carrying forgiveness,
sowing grace like seeds,
ready with a cool drink,
gentle hands to wash our feet,
with tears of compassion,
where sin and mercy meet,
and I’m so glad,
so happy,
so joyously thankful
that He did,
that my glory goes up.
I send it up.
I glorify His name
Who was born into many names,
and into ONE name,
and that name is
He came down,
and now He reigns
King of My Heart.

Glory to God in the Highest Heaven!

* *
* * *

The Happiest Christbirth Celebration to you, today!
LS< Your Gloryteller


Hope Came Down

Unten Hoffnung Kam

He came down so that we could live – really live – with Him
and our loved-ones in Heaven.
Forever together.
We need that hope more with each passing day . . .

Thank you, Kari Jobe and Bob Marshall for the upload.

Merry Christmas from

 Frohe Weihnachten von



On Using Seemingly Questionable Christmas Traditions For Good



“What do you think about the lie of Santa Clause?” asked nobody.
“Sure, I’d be glad to weigh in on the Santa controversy,” I replied . . .

It has been said, ad nauseum, that secular traditions such as Christmas trees, Santa Clause, and even the word “Christmas” should be condemned by Christians because they distract and detract from the true meaning of Christ’s birth.
I disagree.
Those many traditions are so ingrained into society that they cannot be reversed nor abolished. They can, however, be used in a positive manner. I’ve previously discussed how the Christmas tree points to Jesus Christ. It is easy for me to tell, as well, how Santa’s (“Saint Nicholas‘ “) life and existence points, to the life and teachings of Jesus.
I only implore you, dear reader, not to foster the lies about Santa Clause, St. Nicholas, or Father Christmas, but tell the factual truth about them. It’s the same for the the gift-giving, the lights, and the joyous celebrating. One can ignore any or all of it, but I believe that we should not only accept, as a fact of life, the secular traditions; the things that have been distorted and perverted away from the original intent of honoring the Christ-child, but turn them back upon themselves to their true purpose which is to celebrate His birth, to point to Him, to highlight Him, and to glorify Him in the unfettered, hopeful, optimistic, rejoicing manner in which the host of angels announced His arrival to the shepherds, and to us.
Those traditions can be used to help us illuminate Him in a darkened world. I believe that is our commission, our duty, and our pleasure, as believers and as beneficiaries of The Father’s miraculously humble, and humbling gift.
The gift of The Savior Child is given to every one of us, but it must be accepted before it can be unwrapped and enjoyed.


Whatever you do,
Whatever you think,
Seek Him in all things
And have yourself a happy,
Have yourself a joyous,
Have yourself the merriest Christmas!

Above all,
Remember Who is glorious,

Give Him all your glory,
Keep it Christmas-Story-ous!






A Christmas Who’s Who

We must remember this,
Amidst the noise and fuss:
JESUS is the subject of Christmas,
And the object of Christmas is US.


Merry Christmas from!



Previous Older Entries

About The Music Links Below

I don't own, and have no claim on, these music videos. The following are simply links inside my website pointing back to the original locations of the videos. The names of the creators of these videos are cited wherever possible, and only "embedding-enabled" selections are used.

The Basic Christian Library

"Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. This is fundamentally what Christianity is all about.

"The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. Another converted atheist presents His compelling case for believing in Jesus.

"Left To Tell" by Imaculee Ilibagiza. This profound work is her own extraordinary story of endurance, discovery of the Holy Spirit, grace, healing, and an astonishingly compelling account of the necessity for forgiveness.

Compelling Christian Fiction Reads

"The Circle" 4-book series by Ted Dekker.
A man is the bridge between two very different worlds. Sound familiar? Can he save both? This T.D. work is brilliant in my book.

"This Present Darkness" and "Piercing the Darkness" by Frank E. Peretti. Tales of spiritual warfare from a unique perspective. Stirred a small controversy, but sold millions. What are we Christians afraid of? Hey, it's fiction!

Copyright Licensing

Creative Commons License, and all proprietary work found here, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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My Signature Story

"I AM NOT MY OWN" is the piece that inspired the building of this site. It is the story that this site, as well as my life, is centered around. This letter to you is the one i would most like for you to read out of all the ones you will find here, because it describes how profoundly the works of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit can change one human life.

For Your Reading Enjoyment, This Is Like A Park, Use It, Enjoy It, and Leave Everything Where You Found It.

The content here's not to be used,

But to only be read and perused.

If you copy it off,

My lawyer's not soft,

And your fortune is mine - you got sued!

Gloryteller :-)